Terms of use

Αρχική / Terms of use

Terms of Use
4epoxes.gr was created by "Panagiotis Zaganidis Single Member LLC" under the name "4 EPOXES SMLLC", registered in Kalochori Thessaloniki at 70 M. Alexandrou Street, P.O. 57009, with e-mail address [email protected] and telephone number 2310 705.445 and is the administrator thereof.

The use of this website is subject to the terms of use set out below, which the visitor/user is requested to read carefully, as the use of the website implies the unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions. In case of disagreement with the terms of use herein, the visitor/user should abstain from any use of services and content of the website.

The present terms of use may be revised and updated at any time and without prior notice. The visitor/user is requested to check the terms of use of the website periodically, as its continuous use implies the unconditional acceptance of any such revisions.

Intellectual Property Rights
Except in cases of specified exceptions (copyright of third parties, associates and affiliates), all content of this website, which indicatively includes texts, graphics, images, photographs, designs, videos, sounds, etc. (hereinafter content) constitutes the intellectual property of the Company and is subject to the respective Greek, European and international statutory provisions.

The content of the website is available to the visitor/user for personal use and is subject to change without notice at the discretion of the Company. Prior written consent of the Company is required for any other use by the visitor/user.
It is expressly prohibited for any visitor/user of the website to trade, copy, reproduce, and republish the content of the website in any form, in breach of these terms.

Should the visitor/user have any questions or queries regarding reproduction rights of any part of the content of this website, as well as regarding requests for authorization of content reproduction, he/she may contact us at [email protected].

Products, services and third party content that may appear on the pages of the website constitute the intellectual and industrial property of third parties, who bear sole responsibility for the recovery of all claims from any violation of the rights of other persons, such as indicative intellectual and industrial property rights, etc., expressly excluding any liability of the Company concerning the content or security of these websites.

The present website may use cookies to identify the visitor/user. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard drive of each visitor/user and do not keep record of any document or file from the computer.
The visitor/user of the website can set his/her computer in such a way that it warns him/her about the use of cookies in specific services or does not allow them to be accepted under any circumstances. In the event that the visitor/user of the specific services and pages does not wish to use cookies for his identification, he/she may not have further access to these services. More details on the operation of cookies can be found in the personal data protection policy and the cookies policy.

Limitation of Liability – Disclaimer
The Company takes every necessary step to ensure that all Content and information displayed on the website is characterized by accuracy, clarity, validity, integrity, timeliness and availability. However, the Company in no case whatsoever, including the event of negligence, shall be held liable for any damage caused to the visitor/user from the use of pages, services, options and contents of the website he/she visits on his/her initiative and with the knowledge of the terms hereof. Moreover, the Company shall not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents are uninterrupted, error-free, that errors will be corrected or that all queries will be answered. Similarly, the Company shall not guarantee that the website or any other related website or servers through which the content is made available to the visitor/user are provided without "viruses" or other harmful components. The cost of possible modifications or services shall be borne by the visitor/user and under no circumstances by the Company.

Visitor/User Responsibility
The visitor/user of the website assumes responsibility for any damage caused to the website resulting from the misuse or abuse of the relevant services. For any material or non-material damage caused by our services, from posting, publishing or disclosing any content by the visitor/user, the visitor/user shall assume responsibility for its restoration.

Last update: 08/04/2024